Joseph P. Farrell on the WW II, Rogue Networks, 9/11. In WW II, the Allies beat the German nation, but they did not beat the Nazi organization (Nazi International). Major parts of the Nazi organization were rolled into the American CIA during Operation Paperclip.
Joseph Farrell on 9/11 TwinTower$acrifice Rogue Network x3.
More Joseph P. Farrell interviews at: Nazi International Page and Who Runs The World?.
Project Camelot interviews Joseph P. Farrell on Nazi International and WW II. Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy, Laughlin, Nevada, February 2009.
Understanding the JFK assassination backstory:
I came to the conclusion that what we were looking at was.... a conspiracy that was...representative of the deep para-political power structures [existing in parallel to] that actually do run the country.
And that Kennedy (JFK) himself was threatening those power structures to... close down the power and influence of the hidden government...[including] the mafia, intelligence communities, military-industrial, texas oil barron, bankers, anti-castro Cubans, even deeply burried nazi interests...
~ Joseph P. Farrell, Byte Show Interview, LBJ and The Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy.
Joseph P. Farrell on: LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy. (The Byte Show with GeorgeAnn Hughes)
Joseph P. Farrell on Engineered Political Frustration: The Alchemy of Political Gridlock. (The Byte Show with GeorgeAnn Hughes)
Joseph P. Farrell on: JFK Coup-Assassination Inside Story. American Putsch in 1963. Deep State Cover Up. (Forum Borealis)
Important Note: Nazis
on this website is used to refer to the Khazarian Mafia
and it's globalist, international group of controllers (not necessarily one monolithic group, but instead an assortment of competing groups. Nazis
is not used in reference to the current people of Germany, although much of the German government and bigCorporations such as Bayer/IG Farben etc may be complicit. Instead, international Nazis
refers to the transformation of the ancient babylonian extra-territorial-fascist-statist-bankster elite throughout history operating in ancient Babylon, Rome, Venice, Constantinople, Amsterdam, London to finally land in the modern era, where they entangled The Ottoman Empire, Austro-Hungary, and finally Prussia, the Germanic Republics and Hitler's Fascist Germany in their web of financial slavery. Currently it also includes Washington D.C. Dr. Farrell references their modern disquise as The Nazi International and has an excellent book by that title.
The best reference for this migration
of this elite (possibly non-human or human-hybrid) parasitic class is Joseph P. Farrell's Financial Vipers of Venice and Babylon's Banksters. As will be seen in these pages, the modern global economy truly began in the Middle Ages.
More Detangling of Ancient History. Quetzalcoatl and Aztec History: The Temple, The Bank, Physics and Blood Sacrifice together with LA Marzulli's The Nephilim Trail and Michael Heiser's Reversing Hermon. More classic interviews including the Babylon's Banksters Series with Joseph P. Farrell at: The Byte Show (GeorgeAnn Hughes).
Dr. Joseph P. Farrell: The Cosmic War and The Treaty of Versailles Template , HigherSideChats
Dr. Joseph P. Farrell: Cosmic Versailles, Tribute, Tithe and Cosmic War. Vimeo
Joseph P. Farrell on Physics - Plasma - Spirit Living Entity - Demonic? or Angelic? Example: Pillar of Light. Human neuron plasma vs inter-glactic plasma. Please see these presentations for best explanation of plasma energy.
Also see Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star Revisited, Plasma Physics & The Demon in the Ekur. HigherSideChats: Direct Link | Direct Link.
The Byte Show's GeorgeAnn Hughes Interviews Joseph P. Farrell: Nazi International Social and Media Narrative Engineering?
Richard Dolan show: Joseph Farrell on UAPs, Antarctica and More
Part 2, 6:10 minutes: The reason that the military panicked in New Mexico in July of 1947 was NOT because they had recovered something extraterrestial, but that they had recovered something Nazi. And they new it. And if they recovered something Nazi, and it was not
~ Joseph P. Farrell, Roswell and The ReichOur Nazi's
(Operation Paperclip Nazis) flying it around in the skies of New Mexico, after all we would have known about that. If it's something Nazi, then it is not soviet and it means the Nazi's are out there and they are still researching this stuff.
Part 1, 36:40 minutes: By the time that NASA is actually signed into law by President Eisenhower and the agency is created, guess what has happened? And I mention this in Roswell and the Reich. The exact chain of command that existed amongst these Nazi rocket scientists in Nazi Germany has been successfully reduplicated by them inside of NASA. So that you have the same people doing in NASA exactly the same jobs that they were doing for Hitler.
~ Joseph P. Farrell, Roswell and The Reich