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accelerate your insight. self educate.
We are 1-3 years ahead of the news cycle. Welcome news junkies!
the antidote:
Ardis Book: Moving Beyond the COVID-19 Lies : Restoring Health & Hope for Humanity | Crisis-breathing intervention with Budesonide and Lung Health and Healing.
Reverse Your Myocarditis
Reverse Your Myocarditis | Nicotine Healing Playlist | NicotineCovidDetox: lozenge-mints | gum | patches | Get off the cigarette smoking, but stay on the nicotine. But i thought nicotine was addictive? The FDA has lied about nicotine since 1994.
step out of the biological control-system
Step out of the NephilimControlSystem. Recognize the lies.
Rev 18:4 Babylon is Fallen: Come out of her my not receive her plagues.
No more Quacines. If You Get the Injection-You Get the Infection.
Vaccine detox. Don't be poisoned by over-medicating, the poisoned food (Iron Overload, MSG, Glyphosate, Red Dye #40 etc.) and the poisoned water (flouride and
Modern Wheat is NOT the Wheat of the Bible and Why it is Making You Sick.
Why it's worth your money to go organic? Karen Kingston: Shocking NIH Evidence! Food Supply is Being Contaminated with mRNA Viruses. Listen to the Interview.
TREND Tracking: People are becoming aware that over-medicating, poison-foods, poison-water and vaxxes are making them sicker, not better. Dr. Paul Thomas, vaxxed vs un-vaxxed stats. Understanding Rockefeller's Medical Association | Natural Healing vs TaxExemption. Don't take the euthanizingCocktail. You are in an information war.
Virus & Vax Detox with Ivermectin, Nicotine, Suramin (Pine Needle Tea/Extract), and EDTA.
No virus fear: Rapid Respiratory Virus Recovery and Full Interview | Long Haul Covid Recovery 1 | Covid Long Haul Recovery 2
One major underlying cause for ALL disease is parasite overload. Ivermectin, Nicotine and many natural foods are anti-parasitics. See our Parasite Deep Dive page. Dr. Jason Dean: Can the Food We Eat Affect Mental Health and Create Degeneracy?
health research. we take the deep dive.
Everything You've Been Told About Weight Loss is Wrong.
Cancer - START Your Healing Journey Here.
independent news. top news aggregator.
The intel you need to prepare. If you know what's going on, you'll know what to do. Dr. William Makis explains the Limited Hangout mainstream strategy. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting SOME of the truth while still managing to WITHHOLD the key facts...
~ Dr. William Makis on
heal with nicotine & ivermectin
Nicotine lozenge-mints | gum | patches.
heal with chlorine dioxide - CLo2
Health Freedom. We Have the Answers.
Heal Your Gut and Your Gut Will Heal You.
Your Gut is 80% of Your Immune System.
Wishing you health above wealth and wisdom beyond knowledge. If you don't have health it doesn't matter how much wealth you have....[and] you need applied [life] knowledge to be wise.
~ David Morgan
This body that we have is an ecosystem and we are part of the Earth's ecosystem. We need to start thinking of ourselves as an integrated ecosystem.
~ Dr. Mindy Pelz and Caroline Alan
If You Heal Your Gut, Your Gut Will Heal You. 70-80% of Immune Cells are In Your Gut. Jump-Start Your Health with Dr. William Davis Wheat Belly Protocol and/or Morley Robbins' The Root Cause Protocol | Are We Seeing Nation-wide Nutrient Deficiencies? Are You Detangling the Supplement Jungle? Top 7 Supplements | Everything You've Been Told About Weight Loss is Wrong
Current Events, Patriot News, Deep State
TRUMP 2025 ! !
I could stop wars with just a telephone call.
~ Donald J. Trump. Trump Assassination Attempt - Best Analysis.
Patriots for TRUMP! Constitutional Republic! Private Property. We have been in a civil war since the JFK assassination and 9/11. There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.
- Senator Daniel K. Inouye during the Iran-contra scandal. Read the details from WebsterTarpley.
2023 Archives: July-Dec | Jan-June.
Crypto-Bitcoin Opportunity to Build Legacy Wealth
Understanding Crypto Taxes. Beginners Tutorials. All the steps. Easy and secure way to BUY your first cryptocurrency. | What is Bitcoin in less than 10 words? Bitcoin is an Accounting Ledger. Global. Public. On the Internet. | Setup a secure laptop crypto wallet. Free Step-By-Step Guide. Crypto Portfolio Tutorial. Core Investment Principles: 1.) Set your percentages for performance vs stability. 2.) BUY near the market bottoms. 3.) Take PROFITS near the market tops.Best Bitcoin (BTC) price forecast as of July 2024 from BitFreedom: BTC Topped in March 2024. Currently we are in the transition (flip) from BTC to BSV on teranode (1 Million TPS).
Understanding Crypto Taxes and LLCs | EnergyMe333 Crypto on Twitter-X
Why Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto, the Creator of Bitcoin
BSV is for Liberty and Freedom. Including Money Freedom. Big on Property Rights. Big on Sound Money. History of Bitcoin with Kurt Wuckert Jr.
Best Bitcoin (BTC) price forecast as of July 2024 from BitFreedom: BTC Topped in March 2024. Currently we are in the transition (flip) from BTC to BSV on teranode (1 Million TPS).
Financial Freedom with Gold, Silver and Crypto.
Wealth Management.
Silver and Gold: Miles Franklin | SD Bullion | Lynette Zang and Zang Enterprises | Gold/Silver Accounts: Bullion Star | Hard Assets Alliance | Avoid pooled accounts. Find audited, allocated depositories. Research first.
following the 17 Ops with Q
26 million vax injured in 2022
Making A Killing Documentary. Understand the deadly hospital protocols: Episode 1 .
covid & vaccine recovery
Understanding the bioweapon.
Who can stop these shots? You. No more vaccines. And more.
No virus fear: Rapid Respiratory Virus Recovery and Full Interview
Virus & Vax Detox with Ivermectin, Suramin, and EDTA | NoPrescription Ivermectin (Generic Stromectol): | ReliableRxPharmacy | Buy with mail-in check, eCheck or Bitcoin.
Also see: Covid Care | |
Why I V E R M E C T I N and Chlorine Dioxide Work! Ivermectin is one of the safest meds on earth. Plus immune-strengthening supplements. Anti-Clotting Tips for the Jabbed and Covid Treatment Options List (More Below). Understanding Bloodless Surgery.
Why The War on Ivermectin? They cannot have generic, off-patent drugs become standard of care. It obliterates the [bigPharma] market for their pricing and pills...In the history of pharma, I don't think any single medicine threatened as many markets...
~ Dr. Pierre Kory
what is natural health?
your body is self-healing?
Start Your Health Journey. Protocols to Strengthen. Protocols to Detox. Protocols to Heal-Improve a Specific Problem. More
In general, natural (organic) unprocessed food and supplements promote body healing while synthetics (especially petroleum based) suppress natural body healing. There are notable exceptions including Chlorine Dioxide, Hydrogen Peroxide, Ivermectin (Sweet Wormwood is a natural version of IVM), Low-Dose Naltrexone and more. At the root, all disease is based on toxin (venom) overload, synthetics-overload, iron-overload, mineral deficiency and parasites. Parasites feed on the previous steps.
The truth about cancer
Cancer - START Your Healing Journey Here.
Know Who You Are. Be a Sovereign Free Man or Free Woman.
I am a sovereign, free, living man/woman. I am not a corporate entity or corporate serf. I am a Libertarian, for freedom and liberty. Know your status. Which legal system are you dealing with? Corporate-Admiralty Law? Common Law? 1779 One Page Declaration. How the United States Became a Corporation. How Your Legal Status Was Falsified. No government can govern without the consent of the governed. ~ Thomas Renz. The peace flag (common law flag) of the U.S. has vertical stripes. The war flag (corporate-admiralty law) of the U.S. has horizontal stripes. Where is our peace flag? Where is our Common Law court system?
war means our politicians failed
Politicians are supposed to negotiate peace deals. Wars are created by politicians, not the people.
WAR is a RACKET - U.S. Marine General Smedley Butler. | Ron Paul Enlightens Us and Correctly Points the Finger at the $C1A. | The New American: Israel-Hamas Analysis.
All Political Power is Inherent in the PEOPLE. The More the People Own, the Smaller the Government. You Know There is a Problem When the Gov Owns Everything. Small Government is Beautiful. There Is No Freedom of Speech Without Freedom of Reach. Libertarians Rejoice!
What is Continuity of Government? | FEMA Phone Alerts, Speaker Changes and Continuity of Gov.
TREND Tracking: People are becoming aware of the WEF's | WHO's destructive agenda. The Vigilant Citizen, 10 Dystopian Things Pushed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) | The End of Western Liberty | Maajid Nawaz explains WEF to Joe Rogan.
8 Insights on Ukraine / Russia War | Best analysis: What Russia Wants From Ukraine Invasion | Body Bag Propaganda | What You Don't Know About The War in Ukraine | Globalism and Ukraine Explained | Joseph P. Farrell on Why the West Does Not Understand Putin's Russia. Russia is done with Marxism (Marxism = the Left/Communism/Socialism/Woke Culture) | Babylon's Banksters - War Is A Racket
...what we need to all do, is conspire to create a wealth building, decentralized economy...
~ Catherine Austin Fitts | The corrupt seek power, the absolutely corrupt seek absolute power.
~ Joseph P. Farrell. Not everything that can be done, should be done.
From Globalist Tyranny to a Thriving Economy
Foster Gamble interviews Catherine Austin Fitts: How to Build a Thriving Economy | It's Not a Turndown, It's a Takedown |
Catherine Austin Fitts: Economic Crash-Up, Black Budget Goes Global.
There is so much money that has disapeared. We have a breakaway civilization... That's what's so frustrating about the [2007-2009 bank] bailouts. We're talking about lending or gifting to the BANKS enough money to pay off ALL THE MORTGAGES in the country THREE TIMES OVER. That's how much money that was.
what is devolution?
Sept-Oct 2023 Update: PATRIOT UNDERGROUND, Episode 341 Poland, NATO, EU, Ukraine, Zelensky, Taiwan, CCP, Clif High, Pacific Rim, Congo, Various.
Why Are We Where We Are? Why the collapse of ethics in leadership throughout the world? The Backstory on the Long-Term US Faction War. From Roosevelt to Trump. Summary or Beginning.
Clif High Scenario Analysis: FED Analysis 1 and FED Analysis 2 (Dec 2022) | Greg Hunter and Clif High: Biden Show Fails (Oct 2021) | Catherine Edwards and Clif High: November 2021 Vaxdemic Update (Nov 2021) | David Nino Rodriquez and Clif High: Understanding The Quiet War (2022) | Patel Patriot and Clif High Understanding Devolution (Dec 2021) |
Voice of the People
Let's Just Keep Turning On the Lights. ~ Catherine Austin Fitts | Voice of the People | Independent News not funded by the Hollywood-Mil-Pharma-Industrial-Complex. - Your Liberty, Health, Wealth and Energy. The government will not fix the government, we will have to fix the government.
~ anon.
TREND Tracking: People are becoming aware that the corporate media is deceptive. We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false
~ CIA Director William Casey.
FreeMarketPatriotsUnite! America First. Constitutional Republics. Private Property. No More Private Central Banks. Real Money Has No Debt. In 1913 the PrivateFED BankingElite gave themselves the unconstitutional right to control our money supply by loaning it to us (the people) with interest; this law is still current. The treasury should print the money at no interest, meaning no debt. Catherine Austin Fitts: From Globalist Tyranny to a Thriving Economy. Self-Education Tools. Health Research. is now EnergyMe333. RESEARCH THE MISSING INFO. Missing Information = Missing Truth. ~ Morley Robbins.
injection mandate
In Memory of Those Who Died Suddenly 2022 | Why the High Athlete Cardiac Death Rate? | Insurance Companies: Silent War Statistics
Joe Rogan Interviews Dr. Peter McCullough | Vaccine Death Cult | Why the 2021 increase in All Cause Mortality? | Pierre Kory Frontline Covid Report | | Vaxxxdemic RescueMe Handbook | Vaccine ExemptionLetterTemplate | Exemption Join This Church | No Jab and KEEP Your Job | Covid Cure 100% Effective | More1 | More2 | Get Healthy Again With
treatment options
Why is every cure for covid forbidden by governments: Biophysicist Andreas Kalker
NoPrescription Ivermectin (Generic Stromectol): |
ReliableRxPharmacy | Buy with mail-in check, eCheck or Bitcoin.
I V E R M E C T I N, a valid cancer therapy also works for covid. Ivermectin FAQ | Why Ivermectin Works: Anti-Clotting Tips for the Jabbed | Got the JAB? How Bad Is My Batch? More: Spike Protein Antidote | Covid and VaxxxTherapy Info | FULL Covid Treatment Options | Hydroxychloroquine. Start
Why are vaxxxed reporting symptoms of radiation poisoning? | Israel: VaxxxTESTIMONIES | Athlete's Hearts Failing Documented Timeline | Graphene Oxide1 | Graphene Oxide2 | Graphene Oxide3 | Magnetic-Wall | Tenpenny | Immune Sys | Treatment | Vaxxxter | NoJabForME | Legal
What Does it Mean?
Signs in the heavens. The new planets no one is talking about. Three Huge Planets Very Close to Earth in Our Sky. (Feb 2022 Video). [More]
Understanding the Supernatural
Our amazing Ancient World. Deep dive down the rabbit hole with LA Marzulli: The Nephilim Trail. All About the Strange Skulls and Skeletons of Peru at the Pikes Peak Prophecy Summit.
The Problem With Our Timelines at and Was The Millenium in the Past?
Why is the book of Revelations a good message? Because God is judging the Nephilim (not humanity). The nephilim are the satanic fallen angels who are trying to destroy the earth and also destroy humankind. God is also judging the Nephilim satanic world system. God Almighty is good. God Almighty has one face. No shadow of turning. The nephilim LIE = The one God Almighty has two-faces (dual-faced) lie. The nephilim are two-faced. We are in a Nephilim DNA War. |. Understanding the Book of Enoch.
Michael S. Heiser: SUPERNATURAL The Most High, The Elohim, The Principalities and Pantheons | Reversing Hermon | SCI-FI-World Prep: Mil-Ufo Disclosure | Our Humanity | The World As We Know It Has Changed | Audio Bible
Joseph P Farell, The Cosmic War Side Effects in our Time Part 1. The entire federal budget is simply for the purpose of the black (hidden projects) budget. Listen to this excellent intro.
copper revolution
COPPER and Insulin Resistance Aug 7th. Kate Dalley Radio Interviews Morley Robbins. NEW on Copper and Diabetes.
Why copper is essential for your health. Jason Hommel Explains: Copper Toxicity is a Myth (Mitolife Radio Ep #164) | Copper's AMAZING Effects in the Body
Ignore the Enemy. Ignite the Energy.
Ignore the Enemy. Ignite the Energy.
~ Morley Robbins |
Most Disease is Caused by Mineral Disregulation |
Ben Edwards Should Run Our National Health Care |
Why are we so sick? Rockefeller's AMA |
All About Your Health: The Root Cause Protocol |
RCP Intro |
How Drugs Work |
Why is my Vit D Low? |
Which SuperFood Supplements? |
Detox1 |
Detox2 |
News junkies
Best Global Finance News: Jim Willie, | Bitchute
Non-Globalist-Corporate News Sites: NEWS JUNKIES PAGE | MarketSanity | USAwatchDog | NaturalNews | | StewPeters | ZeroHedge | HalTurnerRadioShow
declass, devolution and dollar updates
visionary. we tell you what the news means.
One of the functions of a central bank is to rescue failing commercial banks. So we are now in a situation where we see insolvent (bankrupt) central banks being tasked with rescuing insolvent commercial banks....
~ Alasdair Macleod. Note: Russia, China and Iran do not have a Rockefeller/Rothschild central bank.
Understanding the underlying war between the Decentralized (Eastern) vs Centralized (Western) Orthodox Churches by Joseph P. Farrell with Ukraine application at 24 minutes.
Jim Willie: The Bolshevik Revolution was a Romanov Gold Heist.
...the Rothschilds hate Russia and Russia hates the Rothschilds. The grandfather to the current Rothschilds arranged to setup the Bolshevik revolution in russia, arranged to borrow the [Romanov] Czar's gold, like 15 thousand tons, and then arranged to murder the Romanovs and to install Lenin as the ideolog along with Marx.... So the Bolshevik Revolution [marketed as the Soviet Union] was a gold heist.
~ Jim Willie interview with SilverDoctors
The government will not fix the government, we [the people] will have to fix the government.
~ anon.
Feb 2025. DECLASS with Dave & Joe Rambo. Tracking the Deep State. Start at 1:37 to 1:55 minutes. Topics: Watching a High Level of Coordination? Immigration & Education. Getting Through the Tangled Web. Karoline Leavitt! Fav Clip: Trump & Gen Keith Kellogg! Understanding 5th Generation Warfare. Why i luv Trump decode on psyop warz clip at 1:58.
Trump announces 2024 presidential bid Transcript: My opponents made me out to be a war monger and just a terrible person who would immediately go into war.... And yet, I've gone decades, decades without a war....
Feb 2025. Prepping for RLUSD (Ripple) Stablecoin? Common Sense Crypto: Trump is About to Adopt RLUSD to FIX the US Dollar. Will we see a combination of Gold, Silver, Commodities, New US Treasury Note and Crypto to replace old failing dollar?
July 2024. Clif High. The Fourth Turning and The Fourth War. The elites vs humanity. The euthanizingCocktails.
May 2024. Blinken Officially Authorizes Ukraine to Attack Inside Russia
Sept-Oct 2023. PATRIOT UNDERGROUND. Episode 341 Poland, NATO, EU, Ukraine, Zelensky, Taiwan, CCP, Clif High, Pacific Rim, Congo, Various.
Oct 2023. Gold-Silver-Finance Update. 2 min update. 12:30 minutes to 14 minutes. 10/09/23 Market Update w/ Andy Schectman, Founder
May 2023. Why Now? Update from SD Bullion. US Dollar Demise Goes Mainstream.
May 2023. Banking Collapse Update from Michael Snyder. JPMorgan Chase is one of the owners of the Federal Reserve, and was paid off with theft via taxation to take over First Republic Bank.
April 2023. Your money is going to $0. (Elon Musk Inflation WARNING). Inflation is the Loss of Purchasing Power. Bitcoin Express.
April 2023. The inimitable Jim Willie on Banks. Forex. SCO. Precious metals Wow. Censorship, Food Supply Injections, More Injured than Dead.
April 2023. Japan buys Russian oil above $60-a-barrel cap, breaking with US allies Wow. As many European nations weaned themselves off Russian oil in response to the invasion of Ukraine, Japan stepped up its purchase of Russian natural gas.
March 2023. Nasdaq to launch crypto custody service for BTC, ETH in 2023 They won't tell you, but the big banks are adopting crypto. Nasdaq is the latest traditional financial giant to pivot toward crypto - joining the ranks of Fidelity Investments, BNY Mellon and BlackRock.
March 2023. Anti-War Tracking. Iran, Saudi Deal Flanks Netanyahu-Khazarian Mafia. Detente between Iran and Saudi Arabia. ...the detente between Iran and Saudi Arabia has dealt a heavy blow to Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who had sought a fearmongering campaign against Tehran's nuclear program and the Islamic Republic's clout in West Asia.
March 2023. Media Blackout: Napier, New Zealand Destruction. Benjamin Fulford. Massive DEW Attack on New Zealand. Vengeance for Turkey Earthquake?.
March 2023. Greg Hunter and Martin Armstrong Neocons Need War Because Monetary System Collapsing.
Feb 2023. Seymour Hersh How America (Neocons) Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline. The New York Times called it a mystery, but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret - until now....Biden's decision to sabotage the pipelines came after more than nine months of highly secret back and forth debate inside Washington's national security community....Last June, the Navy divers, operating under the cover of a widely publicized mid-summer NATO exercise known as BALTOPS 22, planted the remotely triggered explosives that, three months later, destroyed three of the four Nord Stream pipelines, according to a source with direct knowledge of the operational planning.
Feb 2023. Hal Turner. Shouldn't We Be Helping Turkey? Turkey Earthquake Update. 17,000 Dead (So Far) After Earthquakes smash Turkey and Syria.
Feb 2023. Why the End of the Petrodollar Spells Trouble for the US Regime On January 17, the Saudi minister of finance, Mohammed Al-Jadaan, announced that the Saudi state is open to selling oil in currencies other than the dollar. There are no issues with discussing how we settle our trade arrangements, whether it is in the US dollar, whether it is the euro, whether it is the Saudi riyal...
. [More]
Oct 2022. Executive Summary: 4 Sign Posts the U.S. Dollar May Be Toast. Robert/ Kim Kiyosaki and Andy Schechtman. Fast forward and listen at 55 minutes - 60 minutes. Best Insurance = Silver & Cryptos. [More].
Sept 2022 US at War With Everyone. War with Russia; War with China; War with Everyone - Civil War. Congress is Literally TRYING to get this country destroyed because THEY are Broke and need Debt Forgiveness. Yes, those friendly neighborhood members of Congress, who you see in your communities glad-handing, back-slapping, hand-shaking, and kissing babies, have a real problem: They and their pals in Congress have over-spent so much money, for so long, they can't pay it back...Only now, they've got a real problem. They've spent so much, for so long, buying votes from the non-thinking, lazy, useless, dumb, people, that they can't pay the money back anymore. The interest on the debt is taking almost all the tax revenue.
May 2022. Ruble Pegged to Gold. The Central Bank of Russia has officially announced that, as of March 28, 2022, the Russian Ruble currency is BOUND to Gold. The rate is 5,000 Rubles per gram of gold bullion...Russia just wiped out about thirty percent (30%) of the value of the US Dollar, worldwide, when it comes to Gold Bullion....People around the world will be literally THROWING their money at the Ruble and DUMPING Dollars and EUROS to do it...
[More ]
April 2022. Media Wants War. Here's a great example of the media trying to get the public to support a War with Russia ...MSNBC this morning is a full-fledged editorial for direct US/NATO intervention....outright pro-war advocacy..Twttr Link....
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globalist Ped0$torm
Elite ped0phi!iaCrimes. Also Narc0-traffick!ng and Double-Lives. Royals, 0b@m@, M@xwe!l, We-Xner, Ep$te!n | Ep$tein and Baal Gates. | M@r!a F@rmer: Head of the $nake Documentary. | Larry $inc!air on 0b@m@. [More]
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YouTube Cen$ors. Try the free-speech video platforms:
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© Copyright 2023. EnergyMe333 does not provide Medical Advice or Financial Advice. This site provides Self-Education Tools. Health and-or money related information is educational.
...The farmer sows his grain. Some seed falls by the wayside, some seed falls on rocky ground, some seed falls among thorns, some seed falls on good soil (honest hearts) and brings forth fruit to maturity.
Success in life is a matter not so much of talent and opportunity as of concentration and perseverance.
~ C. W. Wendte
Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you invest, investigate. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try. Before you retire, save. Before you die, give.
~ William Arthur Ward
A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
~ George Bernard Shaw
We need stable transaction-currency systems backed by tangible resources that preserve value and are not manipulated as tools for inflation.
If we can face it, God can fix it.
Remember when Gideon is feeling helpless ...the Angel of the Lord says [to Gideon] That's OK, we're going to do it. You are PERFECT because everyone will know it was us, not you. ~ Catherine Austin Fitts and Pastor.