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A Short Intro to Iridology

Bernard Jensen, D.C., N.D.

Full Title: The Science and Practice of Iridology, A System of Analyzing and Caring for the Body Through the Use of Drugless and Nature-Cure Methods

These short excerpts intended to give the reader a general idea of the nature, validity and science (repeat testing with consistent results) of iridology. Iridology is a provable science. It does require time and lifestyle changes.

...iridology is a science whereby the doctor or operator can tell from the markings or signs in the iris of the eye the reflex condition of the various organs of the body. In other words, it is the science of determining acute, sub-acute, chronic, and destructive stages in the affected organs of the body through their corresponding areas in the iris. [The Science and Practice of Iridology, Foreward]

Iridology shows the general location and stage of inflammation within the body structure: What more need a doctor know than the location of the inflammation in the body, the stage it is in, how it arrived there, how to free the body of it, and most of all, when you have freed it?... The true healing art is one in which we teach a patient to change his living habits to conform to natural laws so that instead of having to rebuild a sick body, he can prevent disease in the first place....Even the most competent and reputable physician knows that the addition of a valuable technique is always an asset to him... [The Science and Practice of Iridology, Page 3-7]

Iris Markings Work By Frequency

...Television is probably one of the best comparisons we could make of these markings appearing in the iris reflexly from remote organs. What we actually see when we watch a baseball or football game on the television screen, is probably taking place many miles from where we are viewing it. But this picture is actually going through the air , silently, via a vibratory channel. What you see in the iris involves the same principle. The picture reflected in the iris comes from some part of the body by remote control [em wave lengths-frequency].... [The Science and Practice of Iridology, Page 72]

...Although I believe that iridology should be considered as one of the most essential diagnosis, I repeat that along with it we should employ every other form of analysis that might result in help for the patient . [The Science and Practice of Iridology, Page 26]

Modern practice is proving to us more conclusively every day that man, in his complex structure, is very incompletely understood in spite of our advances in science. Certainly we are becoming increasingly aware that a faulty premise underlies a method which must first determine the name of a disease, classify it according to its symtomotology, and then treat it on the basis of the symptoms. This method of diagnosis, when finished, deals with effects only; and in describing and naming a million and one symptoms from a few basic causes of disease, a complex procedure is established. [The Science and Practice of Iridology, Introduction]

Statistics have shown that the Mayo Brothers Clinic has been in the past, only 42% correct in their diagnosis. In the June, 1929 issues of The FORUM, Mr. T. Swann Harding writes: 'As a matter of fact, I heard Dr. Charles Mayo make a proud boast before a surgical congress in Washington, D.C., in 1927. He boasted that the Mayo Clinic had attained the phenomenal record of fifty percent correct diagnosis'... The percentage of incorrect diagnosing is almost as great tody as it was back in 1927 due to the increase in disease symptoms... [The Science and Practice of Iridology, Introduction]

Healing Iris Marks: New Tissue Replacing Old

In iridology, the important fundamental is the appearance in the iris of signs that new tissue is replacing old tissue....Having studied this particular method of analysis for eighteen years, we feel there is no reason for any condemnation of iridology.... Iridology can be used in conjunction with any other form of analysis and diagnosis in helping a patient to a better state of health.... surgery may be unavoidable in certain advanced cases, although for those who will cooperate with natural methods, surgery usually can be avoided...Through iridology patients can be warned in time for prevention of disease. [The Science and Practice of Iridology, Introduction]

Iris Clarity

Note: The clarity of the iris more important than the overall eye-color. ..In our search for a normal eye we found both blue and brown eyes [and their shades] that we considered normal in color... [The Science and Practice of Iridology]

In this study of iridology and its related sciences, we will give little attention to the names of disease conditions. Instead we will tell you where inflammation is in the body and the stage of the inflammation: that is, whether it is in the acute, sub-acute, chronic or destructive stage...If the proper treatment is administered, healing signs will develop in the iris. [The Science and Practice of Iridology, Page 13]

There are seven zones:

[The Science and Practice of Iridology, Page 95-96]

* Note: ignore on fats, soy and innate-goodness. All three are problematic. For Fats see Mary Enig, WAPF, Eat Fat, Lose Fat. For soy see Kaayla T. Daniel, The Whole Soy Story. For innate-goodness, see Moses and Paul's Letters.

We acknowledge indebtedness for pioneer work in this field to: Ignatz von Peczely, Nils Liljequist, Henry E. Lane, Henry Lindlahr, J. Haskell Kritzer, R.M. McLain, F.W. Colins, Peter Johannes Thiel, Marko J. Petinak. [The Science and Practice of Iridology, About the Book]